The Power of Compounding


“People often overestimate what they can do within a month and underestimate what they can do within a year.”

I recently heard someone say this and it resonated with me. A lot can definitely happen within the space of a month but I believe the point of those words were that long term focus and commitment is often taken for granted. How often do we (I am quite guilty) push ourselves to near ruin to get something done in the short term, not considering that steady process and progress overtime may be the best solution to fixing (not patching) the problem longterm?

Compounding is most often a term often brought up in a financial or numerical sense. 

It was Einstein that said “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays it.” 

Don’t believe me? Try using this compound calculator and see for yourself. It is simply astounding. 

Compounding, I am learning, can also apply to our effort. We can make gradual steps and improvements in various aspects of our lives that add up, neigh, multiply exponentially with the passing of time. The blog The Art of Manliness has a great write up on Improving 1% Each Day.

A large aspect of life is showing up, consistently. For x amount of days (90 is a recommended amount), lets commit to showing up, putting in the effort and let it compound.

What area of your life and/ or business can this help to improve? Let’s try compounding today. 

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The Popcorn Maker