4 Simple Ways to Let Your Customers Know You Value Them


“Customer service” is usually thought of and practiced using a reactive approach. On the otherhand, a proactive approach to customer service can no doubt build a stronger bond.

Here at wbuttr™ we seek to practice “customer obsession”. We recognise how priveleged we are to be able to have ideas for designs and products, produce them and have interested people willing to trade their hard earned currencies for them. Here are some extremely simple ideas that you can start practicing today that will show your customer that you care!

1. Use Their Name

Add a personal touch by proactively learning and then using a customer’s name while interacting with them. It is a well known fact that people enjoy doing business with others than respect and treat them well and taking the time to learn their name is step in the right direction.

2. Be Transparent & Set Intentional Expectations

The whole idea here is that a customer should have as clear an idea as possible on what to expect from you before they make that order. Don’t offer free shipping? Do I have to pack my own packaging? What’s that? The yellow ones take twice as long to arrive? Not a problem, IF your customer knows this before they choose to do business with you. Perhaps you can include a short F.A.Q on each product’s page and even a pricing transparency chart. The ideal approach reduces surprises on both ends and builds a level of trust.

3. A Real Person Reply

Think back to the last time you received an automated answer to your out of the box question. Now, how big of a difference would it have made if a human being had responded and done so efficaciously. As humans we prefer to talk to other humans. Simple right? It is even better when those humans with whom we are interacting are listening attentively and communicating that they appreciate our interest in the business. Let’s face it, there are tons of options out there today for just about any business solution, winning and retaining a customer then comes down to treating them as though they matter, even when you aren’t able to solve their issue. I would go as far as letting your customer know that “you are grateful” for their order.

4. Put Love Into Your Work

One of GiantAnt’s 3 rules. Putting love into your work says to me that you value a customer’s time. It is being cognisant of the fact that every purchase is a privilege and you are doing your part in offering quality. It also communicates a message of caring. It is encouraging and dare I say to do business with someone who takes the time to be intentional and caring in and about what they do.

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The Popcorn Maker